
November 5-7

I know, I know. It has taken me a very long time to write this post. My lack of dedication to cranking this out is not representative of our experience in Melbourne. We had a blast, which is no surprise since we were still hanging with Leigh. We flew into Melbourne on Sunday evening and had a chance to see the city by night.

First stop, the oldest pub in Melbourne for some cards:

Then a bit of wandering around. The train station:

With its famous clocks:

This beautiful church:

This building that looks like The Eiffel Tower:

And two of my favorite guys walking down the street:

The next morning we rented a car and headed out to Mornington Peninsula for wine tasting.

As luck would have it, two of our buddies from Chicago, Phil and Kate, just happened to be in Melbourne at the same time as us and their plans exactly coincided with Leigh’s plan to take us wine tasting.

How random is that? We had a great time catching up with two other travel-loving Chicagoans.

The views were stunning and the wine was delicious!

The next day was the big event! When Michael and I were waiting for our delayed disaster of a bus ride from St. Petersburg to Helsinki, we popped into a gyro place for dinner and met a couple from Melbourne. When they found out that we were going to be in Australia in November, they told us that the Melbourne Cup was an event that could not be missed. So we reached out to Leigh all those months ago and no surprise he made it happen.

The 158th annual Melbourne Cup!

Leigh wasn’t the only person that had to do some prep work for the cup. I had to do a bit of fascinator shopping.

The day is quite the event. Melbourne has a public holiday and most of Australia shuts down during the main race of the day. This year it was a bit quieter due to torrential downpour throughout the first half of the morning. We got a bit wet on our commute out to the tracks and after 12 months and 5 days on the road, my trusty sandals got tossed as I changed into heels and we walked into the building.

Adios sandals. You’ve served me well.

Michael and I had been carrying around fancy clothes ever since we left Bangkok and Vietnam, respectively, for this exact day. The fascinator was purchased in Sydney, but the rest of the digs were handmade in Hoi An.

This was my first time to a horse race and I’m pretty sure I was spoiled.

Our table overlooked the race track (specifically the finish line) so we could stay dry and comfortable for the entire day. Plus they served us champagne and wine all day along with an incredible meal. And second lunch:

Much of the day had a very British feel to it – especially once we got to these tea time snacks. Far left is a meat pie, if I recall properly. Very fancy.

Leigh taught us the cool kid way to keep track of the races in your race book by tearing off the corner as a race is completed. Genius.

The above bet was in honor of Colette who’s only 11 months so she won’t know that Zizis is spelled wrong.

An StL bet that would have been cooler if the horse had placed:

And here are our handsome hosts:

During the halftime show, Sam Smith performed!

And then it was time for the main event!!

Michael made all of the bets.

Michael’s bet on Prince of Arran to place was a big win and that covered all the other bets we lost money on, so we are still going to have to find jobs soon. But we had an amazing time! Look at this great photo of Leigh and me with Michael creeping in the back.

We did see the sad part of horse racing. Michael’s horse, Cliffs of Moher, broke his leg during the main race and had to be put down on the course. It is one of the most heartbreaking things to see. They slowed the horse down and put a curtain around him before putting him down. It was just horrible.

We also saw the other sad part of horse racing: when older women have too much to drink and fall down steps.

This isn’t a great shot because I didn’t want to be too obvious, but the hand on the ground belongs to a woman who fell down the steps and broke her arm. We know because the bone popped straight out of the skin. It was disgusting and we felt bad, but we also made quite a few jokes about them hanging a white curtain around the area and having to put her down.

The rain had subsided, so after the main race we went down to the track to get a closer look.

And then off to a bit more schmoozing in the club which gave me a chance to snap a few more fascinator shots of the crowd:

And that was it! We won a few bets and lost a few and ended up basically even. But we ended our year+ adventure outside the US with a bang! Our week or so with Leigh in Sydney/Melbourne was basically just one big party. We are so lucky to have made such a good friend all those months ago in Antartica. Would you look at that?!? Just look at it!! We can’t wait to reciprocate when Leigh comes back to the US, hopefully really soon! We miss you already!

And now it is off to Hawaii to meet up with Mike’s mom and dad for a few days of relaxation and catching up before heading back to the real world. Don’t worry! There’s still one more post coming about our re-entry to USA.

Taylor. Swift.

November 2

Some of you know I love music. Some of you know I love music I can sing to. Some of you know I love music I can dance to. Drawing the obvious conclusion – I love Taylor Swift. Warning: there are a ton of videos in this post. I’m sorry. Every one is essential.

I have loved Taylor Swift since 2006 when her first album came out. I loved her when she wrote/performed country music and I loved her as she transitioned to pop.

That said, I have never seen Taylor Swift live in concert. As Michael and I have traveled this year, we have been constantly watching some of our favorite artists to see if there was any time that we’d be able to catch a show while traveling. When I found out that TayTay was going to be performing in Australia around the same time that we were going to be there, I reached out to Leigh to see if he had any interest in going. He already had tickets! Perfect! From there, Michael and I organized the end of our trip around the Taylor Swift concert.

As we got closer to the big day I found out that Craig wasn’t going to be able to make it back from his trip abroad in time for the concert which meant I was going to be living large with Leigh and Mietta at T Swift. Reminder: we met the delightful Mietta, Leigh’s daughter, in Capri earlier this year.

A bunch of stuff went wrong on this day. It was a comedy of errors really, but as one thing went wrong, it opened up some extra time to adjust for another issue. It started with the Sydney Bridge climb. We booked the long climb on accident and then couldn’t adjust to the express climb. This meant I was going to miss my departure time from the hotel with Leigh. But Mietta was flying in from Melbourne for the concert and her flight was delayed, so our departure time got pushed back which allowed us to still do the climb. Then her flight got delayed a bit more so instead of picking her up from the airport she was going to meet us at the concert. This change in plans meant that it wasn’t that big of a deal when we had car trouble the entire way to the concert and had to drive at about 20 kph out to Olympic Stadium. Since the car had a major transmission issue, we left it in the parking lot to be towed to a mechanic the next day and had the good fortune of being able to take public transportation home. It was probably faster, PLUS we got to see the clever way that they renamed the station stop:

So we made it to the concert despite Leigh’s frustrations with the car and waited (as patiently as possible) for Mietta’s Uber to arrive. Then another terrible thing happened that ended up being wonderful: it started to rain. Not just a little. It rained a ton! Torrential downpour. This postponed the concert and gave us ample time to collect Mietta, stow her bag at the hotel next to the stadium, and grab food and a few drinks before settling in to our incredible seats.

Insane seats!!!!

After being settled in we had another hour or so before Taylor finally went on stage. They didn’t wait for the rain to stop – they just played right through it. It was incredible. Her stage had no overhang, so Taylor was drenched in a matter of seconds. But her and her team put on an amazing show making me love her even more than I did at the beginning of the night.

And she loves us too because we’re real friends:

Reputation Tour:

Michael’s favorite:

Some of you may have noticed that Michael isn’t mentioned in this post. He wasn’t invited. Michael likes some of T Swift’s music. But not all of it and he has a way of letting others know his opinion of music in real time. Basically I was worried he was going to ruin it for me. He was also worried about that. So we decided together it would be better if he not attend.


My favorite song from the album:

Please notice the awesome drummer and the snakes above.

Here you can see just how insane the rain is:

Also note the glowing wrist bands. They are all coordinated so they glow in time to the music and change colors. They’re amazing.

To say I was having fun would be the understatement of the year.

With all the rain, the people working at the venue basically just gave up on any type of order. People were standing on chairs and just basically going wherever they wanted. It gave us some great dancing space.

But it did start off fairly well organized:

That time Leigh went for drinks and instead just got really close to the side stage:


This is that time that Taylor Swift ripped her fake eyelashes off mid-song. I saw it happen and thought it was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen on stage. Then I saw that Mietta was recording at the time and was completely jacked that we had that great moment memorialized!

Some piano time:

To say it was a spectacle would be the second biggest understatement of the year.

In case you’re wondering what TayTay thought of the concert, she had an awesome time as well:

The biggest thank you to Leigh and Mietta for letting me tag along. I had an absolute blast. I will definitely be making it to all of Taylor Swift’s shows in the future. Maybe this is my calling in the next phase of my life: groupie!


October 29 – November 4

Another word or two on Uluru before moving on to Sydney. I was reminded as we flew out of just how beautiful and expansive the Outback is.

Uluru is a favorite of many people that we met in Australia with several people calling it the “Spiritual Center of Australia”. In addition to the beautiful landscape, Uluru is home to a lot of Aboriginal artists. This is a piece that our buddy Leigh has in his office that I really loved.

Upon arriving to Sydney, we dropped off bags and went out to meet up with Leigh. Reminder: Leigh is our friend that we met on the ship in Antartica and also had the good fortune of being able to meet up with in Capri. Somehow he’s not sick of us yet, so we are looking at about a week of adventures with him.

First stop – oysters and a bit of wine before he let us go check out his office and his courtroom.

Tell me that’s not awesome.

More awesome:

The next few days were a wonderful blur of delicious food and drink in a great city.

Check out that delicious pizza, Melissa and GDM!

This is definitely the best burger we had on the trip and one of the best we’ve ever had.

Also – I got my haircut at Desmond & Molly Jones. Definitely chosen exclusively for the name.

We visited the Royal Botanical Gardens and surrounding areas, which, of course, I loved.

It didn’t have a (chlorma) Climatron, but it had more of those ballerina flowers that I love!

We also ran into Leigh while we were grabbing lunch. That is definitely a “little thing” that I didn’t know how much I missed over the past year – just running into a person randomly and deciding on the fly to grab a cup of coffee with them. I love it!

We popped into the beautiful St. Mary’s Cathedral.

And we got our first glance at the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge!

We got another great view later that night when we had drinks with Leigh at the Sydney Opera House bar.

Yes. Leigh and Michael are wearing matching shirts that they bought in Capri, because that’s what besties do. They call in advance to make sure they match.

After drinks and more oysters, we had a delicious dinner overlooking the harbor at Cafe Sydney.

The next day we nabbed some runs and ran some errands before heading off to do the Sydney Bridge climb.

We got the last round of postcards in the mail!

And we saw these kids:

The little brother was mostly moral support. The older brother was nailing it.

Also a quick shout out to two things that have been with us the entire trip:

That is my tiny straightener. It has been amazing for an entire year and has consistently gotten the job done, even after my horrible hair cut in Madagascar. It has been the MVP of all items brought along on this trip, in my opinion. Also, props to that converter. It was Michael’s from his first trip to Asia some 14 years ago. It died while we were in Sydney. I know it was asking a lot and it took a lot of abuse this past year, but we only needed it for ONE MORE WEEK! Apparently that was too much to ask.

So, the Sydney Harbor Bridge climb is a little touristy. But it was also awesome.

Our guide, Micah, was full of information that I would love to share here, but I know Leigh hasn’t done it yet and I know he’s going to read this, so I don’t want to ruin the experience for him. Anyone else who wants the most interesting piece of info can ask separately.

It’s super high and super windy, so you get to wear these cool jumpsuits and everything, including your person, is tied down at all times.

That night, Leigh and I went to see Taylor Swift. Even though I’m burnt out on blogging, she deserves a separate post. So she shall get it.

The next morning, we popped over to Sydney’s popular Bondi Beach, just four miles east of downtown Sydney.

It was one of the first warm Saturdays in spring, so everyone was out, enjoying the day.

The weekend was spent relaxing at Leigh and Craig’s wonderful home outside Sydney: Ventnor.

This historic home sits in between two bays with great views everywhere you look.

Look at this gorgeous bougainvillea! And yes, I had to google the spelling on that one!

The home is situated in a national park and is only accessible by boat. What a great way to commute!

Leigh and Craig just moved in two months ago and have big plans for the home. I already love it just as it is, but Michael is excited for a pizza oven addition! We are pumped to go back and visit again and see all the changes!

With access to a kitchen, Michael got another shot at pasta making. Not our best effort, but with some delicious wine and great friends everything tasted great.

Breakfast on the grill!

Leigh’s still getting use to all his new toys.

We could have stayed for weeks, but it was off to Melbourne for the last international stop of the trip. Even though their hospitality was not even close to being over, a huge thank you to Leigh and Craig for hosting us in their great city. We didn’t spend nearly enough time in Sydney and we’ll definitely be back!


We have had periods of this trip where we’ve listened to a ton of music and periods when we’ve been fairly music free. But here are the songs that for better or worse have accompanied us on this trip.

Despacito – we don’t necessarily like this song, but it is probably the most consistently played song in random countries. We’ve heard this not only on every continent, but also in many different languages and quite a few versions/adaptations.

Come on to Me – Paul McCartney. There is an episode of carpool karaoke with James Corden and Paul McCartney. That’s where we heard this song for the first time. It’s a great song with a great beat. You should probably just watch the entire episode.

Fast Car – the Tracy Chapman classic. I know you probably didn’t expect to see this here. But we heard it on every continent. Seriously. We especially heard it a lot in Africa. In one restaurant in Zanzibar they played that entire album which I was jacked about.

Ben Folds – this is an artist, not a song. I get it. But we played a bunch of Ben Folds on the trip and also saw him live. Gracie is Michael’s new favorite from that concert. Landed is one of our go-tos and a bit appropriate as we’re coming home soon.

Sunshine – Matt Costa. Listen and tell me it doesn’t make you a bit happier. Plus Liam loved this song while we were driving around Norway in the fiesta bus.

Africa – by Toto by sung by Mike Masse and Jeff Hall. I like how they’re super into it at the end but then they finish and remember that they’re in a pizza shop and that there is not really any one to cheer for them.

Havana – Camila Cabello. This is another song that we heard everywhere and love.

Feel it Still – Portugal. The Man. I would say that there is a different Portugal. The Man song that is better – People Say – that Rolf played for us while driving through Tibet. But this is the one we’ve heard a lot more and that Michael prefers.

Shape of You – Ed Sheeran. Every once in a while you need to paint the town Ed.

Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) – Arcade Fire. Great song for road trips through beautiful scenery.

Échame la Culpa – by Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato. First heard in South America, especially Argentina and Chile, and then downloaded while in Asia.

Taylor Swift – again, not a song. I have a few of her albums on my phone that we listened to here and there. I also did most of my running to her Reputation album. Plus – concert in Sydney with Leigh!!! More on the concert later, but here’s a teaser:

Southern Cross – the Crosby, Stills & Nash classic and one of my all time favorites. I downloaded this song before leaving so we’d have it available the first time we got to see some stars in South America. The first play was in Uruguay last November and I’ve put it on as often as it was appropriate. Fun fact – the Southern Cross is depicted on the Australian & New Zealand flags.

La Bicicleta – Carlos Vives & Shakira. We went to Carlos Vives’ restaurant/night club extravaganza with Juan and Yubeley when we were in Bogotá and loved this song.

Feels – by Calvin Harris but it turns out the song was written by a friend of Mike’s brother, Phil. When people played this song, then tended to play it a hundred times, often in a row. People who like it, really like it.

Maps for the Getaway – Andrew McMahon. This was a song I played a lot leading up to actually leaving for the trip. It felt relevant.

Mess is Mine – Vance Joy. Our favorite Aussie artist, I played this song as often as Michael would put up with it.

Honorable Mentions:

Bette Davis Eyes – We only heard this once, but it was just a few hours before we saw Rod Stewart in person, at which point Leigh quoted Bette Davis Eyes to him. You don’t get a video of this because I couldn’t find one on YouTube where Rod was singing. And that is because Rod Stewart did not perform or write Bette Davis Eyes. It is sung by Kim Carnes. Whoops.

Rod trying his best to avoid us:

U2 – not the best “Bond” out there, but a really good one. Plus remember that time we saw Bono in Capri?

Ray LaMontagne – the Trouble album. That entire album is really excellent and we listened to it a lot.

We also have it on vinyl and are pumped to get back to the US and play some of our records again!