Barcelona – still with Johnny!!

March 30 – April 1

We started Good Friday wandering down La Rambla in search of some breakfast. First we came across an outdoor, intense rosary session.

Then we found some breakfast – or at least some dessert disguised as breakfast. Waffles covered in cream and chocolate… totally healthy! At least Aunt Jane and Johnny were able to get their hands on a banana to share. I’m not sure why I don’t have a picture of these waffles… But we enjoyed all of it and a few espressos out in this courtyard. Where are all the people?!?! Good Friday. Everything is quiet.

After “breakfast”, we walked the mile and a half or so to Sagrada Familia which is the super famous cathedral in Barcelona.

Johnny wants to know why everyone is looking away from the church that we came to see.

Sister selfie:

Accio wand!

We went to get tickets and found out that they were sold out for the day. What!? We have to buy these in advance?!? Ok. Fine. So Michael bought tickets for the following day and we went on our merry way. But first… it’s always important to get the BEST angle:

The rest of Good Friday, we basically just ate and walked a TON, checking out the city.

We popped into a flower shop and Johnny was super excited to pose with me and my favorite flowers.

Is this Johnny trying ibérico ham? Maybe…

Johnny loves Circus Pizza almost as much as Andy does!!! Michael was just playing it cool.

Seeing all these sights is exhausting!!

But the good news about Johnny falling asleep is that we finally got to put my turban wrapping skills to use!

Tell me that isn’t awesome. The moment he woke up it got pulled right off.

The next morning, Holy Saturday, we got up and took a walk into the park before breakfast. There was a great view despite it being incredibly windy:

Then we wandered off to Sagrada Familia, take 2. However…. I’m going to put those pictures in another post. There are too many good ones!

After Sagrada Familia… you guessed it… we spent the rest of the afternoon walking around.

Of course, we picked up some gelato. I can’t decide which one of these three pictures I love the most, so you get all of them.

Is it Johnny staring down the gelato:

Johnny taking a bite so aggressively that he may actually fall forward into the gelato:

Or the finale where Johnny is loving the gelato and totally ignoring Aunt Jane’s attempts to get him to look at the camera:

We stopped at the market in case Johnny was interested in picking up any artisanal olive oil or goat heads.

After so much walking, we were ready to head back to the AirBNB and get Johnny ready for bed. The guys ran out and picked up some delicious tacos for us to have for dinner. This is only relevant because Michael and I have been craving tacos for months! Then we spent the rest of the night relaxing. The next morning, super sad, Johnny, Betsy, and Andy flew back to St. Louis. We were so thrilled they were finally able to make it to Spain and wish they could have stayed longer. Thank you for making the long trek!

Did I really just end our time with Johnny, Betsy and Andy with a picture of skinned goat heads? That I did. But don’t worry… a Gaudí email is coming up next so it’s not really the end!

One Reply to “Barcelona – still with Johnny!!”

  1. So much good times and great memories you all had together. And I think Johnny might even remember them, especially the windows. Through the eyes of Babes!

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