Flights are Purchased

Yesterday we bought one way tickets to Brazil for November 1st! This isn’t the first stake in the ground for the trip, but we can definitely say there is an official start date.  We’ll be flying into Foz do Iguaçu International Airport. This is our starting point to see Iguazu Falls which straddles the Argentinian and Brazilian borders.  Paraguay’s border is also only about 30km from the falls. We’ll spend a few days hiking and recovering from the 28+ hours of travel before moving on to our next location. More information about our itinerary coming soon! For now, I’ll leave you with the runner up in the “Jane and Mike pick a blog name” contest:

It’s definitely a better name, but we just couldn’t commit.

3 Replies to “Flights are Purchased”

  1. Oooo! Did you need to do something special to get that fancy thing on your c? So fun! Daft Punk…great way to start.

  2. ç – I had to copy it from another website on the line. I couldn’t figure out how to produce that letter from my keyboard.

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