Enterprise Island:
One of the cool things we saw was a wrecked whaling factory ship. In January of 1915, she had about 5050 cubed meters of whale oil in her tanks when it caught fire. To try to stop the blaze, the crews actually shot harpoon grenades into the hull to try to partially sink her and put out the fire. It didn’t work. The entire cargo was lost, but no people died, amazingly.
Our zodiac cruise around Enterprise Island was led by Cam – the ice guy. There could not have been a better guide for this trip. I am consistently impressed by the majority of the staff how smart, patient and consistently energetic they are. It has been a real pleasure spending time and learning from them.
Cuverville Island is home to the largest gentoo penguin colony in the region. Like this guy:
Also home to this Weddell Seal:
Lots of cool pictures from the day, but none cooler than eating ice cream in Antarctica after our barbecue out on the deck! It was a crazy beautiful day with perfect weather!