(Side note: I am typing this while on a plane from Dar es Salaam to Dubai. There are lots of free movies available and I started Murder on the Orient Express – a book I love and a new movie I haven’t seen yet. I only got through like 15 minutes before I turned it off and switched to Inside Out – another movie I have never seen. Ugly crying on a very crowded plane. Now back to safari and some yellow happy memories.)
OK – so I already made a post about day 2 on safari, but I wanted to get this on the blog without permanently scarring small children. So please use cation when showing to our nieces and nephews. I’m not sure it’s appropriate even for the oldest of them. Also I’m not sure some adults will want to see. That said, it was the most amazing thing we saw on safari and one of the coolest things I’ve seen in my life. Also Michael thinks it might be THE coolest.
So, we saw this lion from far away. Innocent drove over to get closer to him:
Once again we were the first truck there. We watched him for awhile and realized he had something with him. It was a zebra that he had killed. But he wasn’t eating it. He was dragging it. https://www.thatsonourlist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/img_6692.movWe couldn’t figure out where he was dragging the zebra, but his path was heading in the direction of the road. So Innocent redirected us to be right on his path. https://www.thatsonourlist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/img_0874.trim_.movBy this point a few more trucks had arrived. It was incredible. The lion was struggling with the heavy body of the zebra and took a bunch of breaks. Here’s video and pictures.
He was tired and it took him awhile but eventually he pulled that zebra right past us. A bit gory but really incredible.
There is a reason he is called the king.