Ordinary things

Now that I have my “complaints about Ushuaia/travel” post out of the way, I’ll let you know what we did for those three extra days in Ushuaia. Michael will disagree with my selection of this sunset picture because it isn’t doing justice to the mountains, but I love those two trees and the colors!

Mostly we relaxed and got caught up on sleep. We had some great food and I spent a lot of time getting those Antarctica posts out. We also got to check out Tierra del Fuego – our first Patagonia National Park. We split up a bit and Michael and I went off to do a hike and see what we could see. 

While on the hike, we started seeing the most beautiful vegetation! Fields of gorgeous yellow flowers, exotic orange bulbs and beautiful colors everywhere: weeds, fungus and moss, everywhere. 

It took me just a little bit to realize that these amazingly beautiful things were the exact things that back home we’d probably be trying to get rid of. It’s amazing how a change in location and a slight change in perspective can make the super ordinary and often annoying look so beautiful. 
2000 Paraguayan guarani to anyone who can identify, what I’m assuming is, fungi: