
Norway’s Specialty

Did you know that the movie Frozen is based off the country of Norway? The scenery and the villages are iconic Norwegian views. Another huge Norwegian fact from the movie revolves around trolls. Trolls, as some of you may know, are only active during the nighttime. During the day, they disguise themselves as ordinary rocks. Trolls can only come alive (to the best of my knowledge) in Norway.

Sofia and Liam found a few trolls that were disguised as rocks during the day. Sofia left them a note before going to bed to see if they were actually trolls, or just rocks. AND THE TROLLS RESPONDED DURING THE NIGHT!!

The second night, Sofia wanted more details about which troll was which rock during the day. We also picked up a few new trolls to hang out with. You don’t want to be calling them by the wrong names! What we found out the next morning is that most of the trolls only speak Norwegian. Only one, Lucy, can speak English. Thank goodness for google translate! Lucy had all of the other trolls tell Sofia and Liam what their names are and what they like to do when they’re awake.

Sofia had me take pictures of the notes so we wouldn’t forget which troll went with which name. It was very cool to see the great responses from the trolls and how excited Sofia and Liam were to hear from their new friends! Norway truly is a magical place!