Valparaíso Street Art

Ok – here’s the deal: I want to know what your favorites are. I’m going to number each. Please post a comment or shoot me a WhatsApp and tell me. If you are responsible for our nieces and nephews – see what their favorites are too and comment or have them send me videos. I want to know if they like the colors or the people or the animals… I thought this was awesome, so humor me and be excited with me.

1. (note here – there are planters on the window sills made out of coke bottles and real plants/flowers)

6 Replies to “Valparaíso Street Art”

  1. Johnny’s favorite is obviously 3, mine are 14 and 20 (can’t decide), and Andy’s is 12…

  2. I dog #2, it reminds me of a local artist here in Denver. I also had a pair of skis with a top sheet designed by the guy, super cool stuff.

  3. These are awesome! I love them all and can definitely understand your fascination. 1 and 20 are my two favorites if I have to choose. Your adventures look amazing. I love reading your posts! XOXO

  4. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 21, 22,23, and a lot more. These are all equally my favorites. I cannot pick just one. Crazy how beautiful they all are, so vibrant and so moving.

  5. I really enjoy so many of them, but I think #25 is a favorite for me with all the colors! And then #21 because it is impressive they made that art all the way up that building!

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